Mapping Your Course
The Mapping Your Course section is the second entry point in this Online Course Mapping guide. Now that you've created a vision for your course by creating learning outcomes based upon foundational competencies and program outcomes, you are ready to start mapping your course. If you do not have learning outcomes for your course or would like to strengthen your existing learning outcomes, start with Build a Vision.
Course Map Template
Download the Course Map Template.
Fill out the general course information. Then, transfer your learning outcomes from the Exercise Worksheet and follow the steps below to complete the course map.
Download the Course Map Tempate
See Example Course Maps
Take a look at the example course maps.
Follow the steps below to complete your course map.
Click the links for more information.
Modules: Scaffold your Course Learning Outcomes and create a structure by organizing them into manageable units of learning.
Module Learning Outcomes: Identify the specific learning outcomes for each module and note how they target Course Learning Outcomes.
Assessments: Identify the formative assessments and the summative assessments. Determine acceptable evidence of the achieved learning outcome at different levels of mastery.
Activities: Brainstorm the types of activities that will facilitate meaningful engagement, practice, and transfer of learning.
Instruction: Determine the learning materials, resources, and key principles that will equip learners and provide a solid foundation of understanding.